Thursday, April 26, 2007

Profession or Vocation: A Christian perspective on career planning

Presented to: Youth Department (Zomi Christian Fellowship)
Presented by: Paolen (Paul) Haokip, Asst. Pastor KWSD
On: 27/01/07


We often says, “I am not getting what I want,” “where do I go from here?” “What will be my future?” “I have tried all sorts of things and wasted time and money years together, yet still I can’t find the right one.” Is there anything that can sort out this confusion? If this is the question you are asking right now then perhaps, you are wrestling with a career decision, not sure which path to take? Needing a sense of direction the Lord desires you to go. You are longing to discover the work that best fit you and what God has plan for you. If you are feeling discouraged on the job search or burned out. You are not sure what God has created you to do? Desiring to find your calling in life? If so, you are not alone! Many Christians struggle with making career decisions at various points in their lives. As Christian, we desire to live our lives pleasing to Lord. We want to do His will in all aspects of our lives, in daily choices we make that govern our actions and in the large life decisions we have to make. Scripture does give us clear guidance regarding the moral choices we are to make as God’s sons and daughters. The Bible gives us instruction as to how we are to live our lives so as to be salt and light in this world, glorifying god with our lives. The Bible does not, however, give specific guidance about many types of life decisions, including making career choices. But it gives us clear instruction as to how we can best fit in His plan for us. Hope this paper will help us to understand God’s plan in our lives.

In order to make a good career decisions

1. You must have the right information about yourself (Discovering your God-given ability): Identify key aspects of your unique skills, interests, aptitudes, temperament traits, motivational pattern, values, etc. Who am I? What is my God-given ability? What do I enjoy doing, what do I value, what motivates me, what brings me a sense of fulfillment and meaning in life? What gifts and abilities has God given to me to use in this world? What are the needs, issues/cause/or do I find compelling and desire to address in my work?

2. You must have the right information about the nature of the work (Discover career options that best fit your ability): Identify quickly the careers that best match your interests, based on your skills, interests and aptitude. Which careers (Singers, actors, executives, politicians etc) potentially fit your plan? Which would give you a sense of mission and purpose in your work?

3. Use God’s wisdom for good decisions making: Learn how to work in partnership with God to make good decisions that are within His will for your life. get professional guidance from senior and experience person, to guide you in decision making (Pastors, Executive officers, Doctor, Engineer etc.). Which option best fits your plan and other important criteria such as impact on family, salary needs, etc? That will enables you to make a contribution in making this world a better place? In which you could serve God and others most effectively?

4. Implement your decisions: What are necessary action steps to achieving my career dream/goal? How do I obtain a job in my chosen field? How do I best market myself? OR what are the best options for getting necessary training / education? OR what is the sequence of steps I need to take to successfully become self-employed? Making a decision however is not enough. You must take action, and to take effective action you must have a plan.


As a Christians, I believe it is essential to have Career planning from a biblical perspective, enabling you to integrate your faith with your career/life planning and address issues such as God’s will for your life. It is your responsibility and mine to learn from the Lord the plan for our lives. God’s plan is very personal (Psalm 32:8), very detailed (Psalm 37:23); continuous (Isaiah. 30:21); and He wants us to enquire about His plan (Psalm 148:8). The will of the Lord is always good and acceptable and perfect for that particular believer (Romans 12:2). When we are at His will He may move us to take the next step forward in our relationship with Him.

1. Develop intimate relationship with Jesus Christ: In our society we are concerned with accomplishment; what we do, how we perform, what we produce, how busy we are etc. Yet Jesus said that all of this doesn’t matter unless the person is intimately connected to Him. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned” (John 15:5-6) “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matt. 6:33) You will not be able to find the career path he has designed you for unless you are seeking him first. He calls you to love Him with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength. The more passionately you are pursuing these callings, the better equipped you will be to hear His voice and to be the person you will need to be in order to do the things God has created you to do. And beware of some of the warning signs that your career may interfere with your relationship with Christ.

2. God has created you with the aptitude for particular skills and abilities for His purpose in your lives: You are God’s handiwork. He created your inmost being, and knit you together in your mother’s womb. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:13-14). You have been given work-related gifts that have been chosen specifically for you (Romans 12:6-8). God desires for you to use the gifts He has given you. To make good career decisions you must have a thorough knowledge of your personality, skills and abilities, interests and values. Without this knowledge, you are not fully equipped to make good career decisions. To be a wise steward of your gifts and abilities, you need to fully understand and appreciate your God-given ability. As Psalm 139:14 states, “…you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” God has given you a unique combination of skills, interests, aptitudes, personality traits, motivational patterns, etc. the question is how do you know God’s given ability? You can try out different skills in school, college, work or leisure and then assess whether or not you enjoy using the skills. You also make some determination about your level of proficiency with these skills. The other way could be; get positive feedback from other such as, “you seem to have some very good skills in teaching/speaking/writing/ etc. why don’t you try it out! You can be very powerful

3. Use your God-given intellect to know His will: God expects us to do our part in making wise decisions, as well. Learning how to make decisions is a part of developing wisdom and maturity, both of which God desires for us. God desires for us to have not only spiritual maturity and wisdom but also wisdom that relates to making decisions in life. Who am I? What do I want to do with my life? What is important to me? What is God’s will for my life?

i) Recognize that God calls us not to seek fulfillment in this world, but find fulfillment by serving others. Ask yourself, “In what ways do I want to serve other through my work?” in addition to “What do I want to receive from my work?”
ii) Read scripture and pray daily. God’s word reminds us to who we are, whose we are and what is truly important in this life. If you long to be a follower of Christ’s who is a good soil and yields a 100-fold crop (Matt. 13:1-23), be wary of becoming those who “hear the word” but “he who worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth” distract them, resulting in unfruitfulness. It is so easy to get caught up in the problems of our lives and to be seduced by some money.
iii) Realize that in God’s “economy,” nothing is wasted. Romans 8:28 tells us that, “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” God can use your past to prepare you for your future.

4. Living out God’s will, will require taking some risks: Jesus call His disciples to follow Him, and become fishers of men. They had no idea what was in store for them! When Jesus called the Saul (Paul), He did not reveal to him all that his ministry would entail or require from him. The same is true for us today! God’s guidance is given one step at a time, and often requires that we take some scary steps of faith. In the parable of the talents in Mt. 25:14-30, we learned that the first two servants were not told what to do with the talents that were entrusted to them. They went at once and put their money to work and gained double the talents. They used their own reasoning powers to decide how best to work with the talents they had been given. They took some risks. Learning to take risks is an essential part of following God and living out His will for our lives. Without risks, a person’s life becomes a process of digging an ever-deeper cut in which he or she stagnate and cuts himself or herself off from all the God intends life to be. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Heb. 11:1). God calls us to live courageously-to take risks in order to use our gifts and bring salt and light to this hurting world.

5. Formula for finding guidance (George Muller)

i) Surrender your own will. Have no definite choice in the matter. Be absolutely neutral
ii) Seek the Spirit’s will through God’s Work.
iii) Note providential circumstance.
iv) Pray for guidance
v) Wait on God.


God is sovereign and does not work according to a set pattern. He deals with each person differently. He reveals His will through opportunities, circumstances, the wish of parents, the advice of friends, through scripture etc. If you want to make right career decisions; trust in the Lord (Psalm 37:3); Commit your ways unto the Lord (Psalm37:5); Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him (Psalm 37:7), surrender to the will of God (Romans 12:1), separate from the world and all known sin (Romans 12:2), then God will take care of everything. Remember obedience is better than sacrifice.

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