Monday, February 18, 2008

Press Release



The Joint Meeting of the United Zou Organistion (UZO) Behiang Block and The Zou Sangnaupang Pawlpi (ZSP) Singngat Block, after having minute discussion in the light of the recent Ngasuon Motor Accident have found the following facts regarding the work undertaken by the concerned awuthority/Govt. of Manipr in respect of Singngat-Behieng Road under various funds during the year 2004-05; 2006/07.

1. Maintenance of Singhat-Behiang Road (SH: Pry Stone pitching surface dressing, kutcha line & shingling for the portion from 106-120 kms) under maintenance Fund/ T/S no. 8/HCC-II/TS/05-06 of 10/11/05; Tender Amount of Rs. 26,55,239/- only as given to one contractor G.S. Haupu Zou and it was reported as completed. However, work has never been executed.

2. Impt. Of Singhat-Behiang Road (SH: Levelling, WBM & PC) under ACA 2004-05/06 Programme Tender amount of Rs. 9 lakhs(+) was given to contractor G.S. Haupu Zou. It was reported as completed but Premix Carpeting was done about 1 km. only.

3. Impt. Of Singhat-Behiang Road under ACA 2006-07 AA/ES No. 42/15/06W:AA/ES No.22-9-06(250.00) undertaken by G.S. HAupu Zou, Haukhotinlian and T. Lala under Agreement No. CHD/Agrt/0607/19, CHD/Agrt/0607/21 and CHD/Agrt/0607/20 of Tender amount of Rs. 72.19 lakhs, Rs. 72.04 lakhs and Rs.72.82 lakhs respectively (total:217.05 lacs or 2.18cr) and the work(s) are in progress.

We demand the government to expedite the following immediately and failing to oblige will amount to inviting the wrath of the public in which the government will be responsible for untoward incident in this regard.

4. That, the Government must immediately investigate the work mentioned in Sl.No. 1 and take appropriate action thereon.

5.That, the public is aware of the fact that the work mentioned here in Sl. No. 2 is shamefully a bluff and if payment of the bill has been made the government should see that the work is completed as per the prescribed conditions in the Agreement, otherwise take appropriate action immediately.

6. That, the work mentioned in Sl.No. 3 are in progress. The concerned authority is requested to supervise the same and see that the work is completed in time as per work work specification in the agreement.

7. That, those contractors who are having work in hand on this Singhat-Behiang road should not be given work in the forthcoming work programme to be taken on this road between Buolkot and Behieng Road (106-120km.). The public will be forced to take up other measures if the said contractors who failed or unfinished work on this road were given work(s) in the aforesaid portion of the road.

Sd/- Thangkhankap, Secretary, Behieng Block UZO
Sd/- Kamminthang, President, Behieng Block UZO
Sd/- K.S. Lian Tythul, Secretary ZSP Singhat Block
Sd/- C. K. George, President, ZSP Singhat Block