Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The New Year 2008 Will Be What You Want It To Be

Khatchin Langel

“…I command you this day, ….be strong, and go in and take possession ….….it is not like the land of Egypt, ...,but… is a land of hills and valleys, ….a land which the Lord your God cares ... from the beginning …to the end of the year” (
Derut.11:8, 10-12).

How fortunate we are to be alive and receive yet another unmerited gift from God - the New Year 2008, with one more extra day, free of cost.

The good Lord has given these 366 days to us now, to be celebrated in gladness and rejoicing by all, including the poor and weak who has nothing but unending poverty and hunger.

Much against my will, I have neither gold nor silver to give. All that I have is a few simple ideas which can become much more precious than even gold and silver, if translated into action. My mind is constantly tormented by today’s Christians who no longer believe in “Righteousness exalts a nation..” We can tell lies without batting an eyelid and still pretend to be loyal soldiers of Christ. Righteousness, justice and truth have become rarer than gold in the society. It is, therefore, mandatory to welcome the dawn of the 1st day of the Year 2008 with a solemn vow and proclamation that we all will fearlessly uphold what is right, just and true. The Year 2008 is offering justice and freedom abundantly, if we are ready to accept and defend them boldly, come what may!

Secondly, let us declare the New Year as “The Year of Total War Against Corruption”. The vices of corruption and lust for money, like cancer, has maimed our body beyond recognition and devastated the society. It has, indeed, totally destroyed the fabric of our very existence and overwhelmed us today. Sadly, even religious organizations readily accept and honoured rich men who contribute generously, irrespective of the source. This is why corruption has gained the status of a god – idolatry !! Our cherished dream of nationhood will always remain a dream unless corruption is exposed with all its ugliness and crushed.

My gift for all students is to remember you are ‘the leaders of tomorrow’. Open the windows of your minds and look out. Where will you be after 10, 20, 50 years hence? Consider our less fortunate brethren left behind at home, which we fondly called Zogam? Focus on your dreams and visions, and widen the horizons. Sing the song of David that “…those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy…” This is the only way. There is no substitute. Rest assure that God will take care of the rest.

To all parents and members of SSPP, all I have for you is a fervent appeal to face the year 2008 with vision, boldness and dedication to render selfless service to our ‘Vangsel Zolei’. Let us dedicate ourselves to stand up for the truth and expose hypocrisy. Let us bid farewell to 2007 and send it away along with pure lip service, hypocrisy and enmity, and welcome 2008 by embracing justice, truth, freedom and liberty of individuals.

We are at the cross roads today. There is all round development every where else. But, sadly, the total absence of any sign of development in our Zogam is extremely horrible and tragic – it is even shameful to discuss the conditions of roads, schools, dispensaries, etc. The time for action has arrived now!!

Finally, therefore, let us go in boldly, hand-in-hand, take possession of the New Year 2008 , and turn Vangsel Zolei’ into a land which the Lord our God cares, from the beginning to the end of the year, dedicate it for the development and prosperity of our people, striving on to achieve peace, harmony, progress and security for all. Let us make 2008 as a year of healing (all kinds of our wounds, self-inflicted or otherwise), reconciliation and unity. No price is too high to pay for these goals. Yes, it is a very weighty proposition. But you and I together, as equal partners, can make 2008 a wonderful year of happiness and joy for all of us which we have never tasted before. The only way to achieve this goal is courage to expose corruption and selfless service to the society. God is offering wisdom and strength now. The choice is yours and mine. What will it be?

“This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Save us, ….O Lord, we beseech thee, give us success!”

[Siamsin Bulletin New Year Special Issue 2008] []

1 comment:

  1. Dear Khatchin Langel,
    Thanks for writing such a good article. I enjoyed it and appreciate itvery much.
