Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dimaraji Or Eldorado?


The scene of a village under attack with smoke bellowing out of hillocks leaves nothing behind but only a war-cry. The die is cast and innocent lives are at stake. We have witnessed so far the gruesome acts of the intruders that we comprehend as working under the misnomer of self-interest. The strife-torn districts of Cachar and N.C Hills are facing subjugation of the people for the success of those unholy pursuits of a few persons, destruction of values, all pervading disorder, and endless chaos.

The Dimasas have firmly refuted the accusations that their main ideology of their revolution is to establish 'Dimaraji State'(Homeland for Dimasas) and the ceasefire between the Government and the DHD seemed more likely the probable truth that subjugating the minorities and the ability to target the minorities would be the foremost thing in establishing a 'land of their own'. The Hmars being accused as infiltrators' were targeted for the sole reason that they could be a barrier in the establishment of their utopia'. Thus the stage has been prepared for the battle that can be termed as ethnic-cleansing'. The Dimasas started their rampage, attacking and burning down Hmar-inhabited areas. At every point, where we see exploitation and subjugation, the government should have protested and stand by the victims, and not desert them. It would have been a different story today if the Dimasas have reconsidered their plans and leave the sleeping dog lie.

Thus started the retaliatory phase where the Hmars broadens their potential in tackling a wide array of attacks from the Dimasas and counteracted. The war between the Cobra (Dimasas) and the Mongoose (Hmars) have been staged oblivious of the harm it gave to both the communities. Districts of Cachar and N.C Hills bleeds, refugees flocking in and out, their existence seem to cease. Yet there are no white doves to pass them by.

The only queries that remains are whether we are regressing back or moving toward modernity. The scenario presents the latter. So far we have witnessed the worst ever ethnic clash in the districts of Cachar and N.C Hills. Innocent lives have been lost and so many youths have been sent forth to bloody fields. Some for recruitment in the new-genre of militia- to fight for their 'tribe' or 'right' (pun is intended).

Peace meetings are a hollow pact with no significance. With little hope of burying the hatchet, the scenario have changed to another phase with the VHP leaders accusations against Christian Missionaries as responsible for the clashes (North East Tribune, 21st May, 03 (Silchar, Assam). With all the saffron flags waving in the horizon it seems obvious that the two districts would be heading towards a 'Holy war', a more destructible force would be in the offing. The VHP are nothing but political virus who misuses power for personal ends- to get vote, period.

As the ties had already been broken, the clashes will go on as the two communities are already at daggers drawn. The districts do not need political virus like the VHP to undermine our gory malady. Any true citizen should ask himself whether the Political and the militant leaders really care for the aftermath. Will they be held responsible for all the deaths of innocent lives in which our lives cannot be compensated? Will the leaders become the surrogate son to the bereaved mother? We must resolve to get back our human qualities; exercise the mind and work for a change. And time seems frozen and the people of Cachar and N.C Hills are reeling inside a tunnel with no opening. The heat is on and Diwali seems to be still far-off. But for some, the festival of light has already set in, yet in a different way with guns and fiery furnace. It is only by united effort we can eradicate the malady that has spread into the veins of our districts. Yet there is hope from the sea, but there's no hope from the grave.

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The opinion is expressed in this article is that of the author and does not necessarily endorse that of KanglaOnline.

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