Monday, January 05, 2009

New Year Resolutions: A New Look at Our Determinations and Resolutions

- Khai Minthang

Introduction: We have wind up 2008 and have clinched 2009 with a mixed feelings of hopes and fears. Firstly, some of us have ended 2008 satisfactorily, yet want to do better in 2009. Secondly, some did not wind up 2008 satisfactorily and want to do right in 2009. Thirdly, some of us wind up 2008 without any significance, yet don’t have any plan for 2009 and want time to tell what to do. Forthly, another yet, some of us routinely make New Year Resolutions and share about it at home, in the church and in fellowships during the New Year celebrations, but never or seldom plan and implement their resolutions and end up with the same commitment the next year. The question here is - Which type of person are you?

Type One: Good and optimistic person, huh? As the year rolls on, these type of people have successes as they unfold their plans and implement them one after another. They have successes stemming from the lowest level of the individual or family that moves upward and continues to have a very optimistic future as the days unfold. As I went through some of the most successful personals or families, I can see that most of them deserved it. Their successes have never been chances, but they have been determined, planned and implemented rightly. They have solidified the foundation and mount the ladder of success like an eagle soaring up the sky. And, they could say, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” (Ps.23:6) Why? Because they have been determined, planned and implemented.

Type Two: Bad and unsuccessful in 2008, and want to turn around and try to set their foot on the right track in 2009, right? Relinquished their duties and responsibilities in 2008. Like the prodigal son; finished the ordeal and eating with the pigs, lamenting on the pains; thinking of his father’s wealth and wanting to come back home. That’s right!!! Good New Year resolution, yet have a lot of things to do to get back home and push themselves towards success with a solid foundation behind. Their one-way (first trip) journey will determine the length of their homecoming journey. It will definitely be a lot harder because the first journey was undertaken with full-stomach, with joy and merrymaking. Their homecoming will be weary and tiresome because it’s going to be a journey with empty-stomach, coupled with grief and lamentation. But, it’s worth it because the longer you travel the farther your homecoming journey will be. These people are on the way to success no matter how hard the ordeal is right now!

Type Three: Bad and unsuccessful in 2008, yet don’t realize they are on the wrong track. Oh boy, you have gone too far, you ought to come back now!!! Many people keep on lamenting and cursing God because of their failure, and don’t realize that their failure is just because of their lack of determination, planning and implementation. Shame on them! They thought things are going to happen by accident and they will be successful by chance. They thought they will reap the fruit from somewhere they don’t sow and give a name to God (thought a blessings from God) for the fruit they got from somewhere they don’t sow. They ask for help and if they are not helped they cursed and said they are not godly. If they are helped, they forget (don’t want) to give thanks to the person who helped them, but thought that the person will not get tired of helping them. This is the worse form of poverty. They allowed their lives to be blown by the wind of uncertainties. They are not certain about their determinations, not even to speak of the planning and implementation. They don’t even know where to go, not even to speak of the how and when to go. Come on!!!

Type Four: Looks good, but empty inside. They routinely make New Year Resolutions and share about it at home, in the church and in fellowships during the New Year celebrations, but never or seldom plan and implement their resolutions and end up with the same commitment the next year. They saw the same seed they have sown last year and expect different fruit. They take the same route they took last year and anticipate to reach different destination. They said they are not satisfied with the last year or they want different result but they don’t change or add anything to their lives to make that happen this year. Ridiculous!!! Reality overlapped their emotions (emotion during the celebration) and they could not or don’t have the courage to change and add or subtract some elements from the last year elements. They determined, but don’t lay the blue-print or master plan and don’t implement their determinations or agendas that they have made during the celebration. So, what would be the next year’s agendas again? Same all, same all, huh???

The Logic of Where, How and When: A whole bunch (a lot of people actually) want to go somewhere higher and better then their status quo, but foolish people don’t know where, how and when!!! A portion of that people (half-way empty people) know where to go, but failed to know how and when to go; another portion of that people (half-way full people) know where and how to go, but failed to know when to go. A very little portion of that people (all the way full) know where, how and when to go. The Zou thupil (Zou proverb) says, “Sia asatlai in sat in” (Strike when the iron is hot).

What to Do Now?: I have got a little experiences with regards to making agenda and deliberately discuss about it to make resolution on the agenda being discussed. Firstly, agenda could be compared to determination when it comes to personal or organizational levels. There cannot be any deliberation without any agenda; no resolution without deliberation; no implementation without resolution, and hence no result (output) without implementation. In the deliberation process the ways and means has to be worked out unless some designated persons have been assigned to work out on the detail planning or to chalk out the details. Moreover, a specific and precise date and time has to be set up to implement the resolved resolution(s).

So, what is your new year resolution? Which part of your personality (+ies) or activity (+ies) do you feel lacking? Or, which part do you want to improve? Which part do you want to retain and which part you want to throw away? Let us say your new year resolution is “More time with my family.”

Let us discuss:

A) Determination: The determination or agenda is “More time with my family.”

B) Planning: The Planning or deliberation ought to be:
1. How much time did I spend with my family last year?
2. Which part of my time that I spent last year should be retained?
3. Which part of my last year time management should be cut off in order to give more time to my family?
4. Does the cut off time have side effect on myself and my family?
5. If yes, how shall I compensate the cut off time?
6. What do I hope to get out of my resolution?
7. When shall I start my resolution?
8. When shall I wind up if this resolution does not work out?
9. Do we all feel happy and contented?
10. Can we all share the quality time that I made as a new year resolution?, etc.

C) Implementation: Implementation should follow the detail planning of the agenda or determination.

D) Result (Output): The result or output of the input should be analyzed and assessed in order to get the desired result. The planning and the implementation ought to be checked and re-checked to make sure it does not lack anything or to be affirmative, to make sure it is on the right track. If it lacks the desired result, go back to Planning and Implementation sections and make necessary changes and see the result again. Evaluate the result again; if negative go back to Planning again, if positive go to END.

E) End: If you have perseverance the end will be positive and affirmative. If you cannot wait and lose your hope on the way or while analyzing the result, there is a likelihood of failure to your resolution, and you might need to make the same commitment or resolution the next year.

Conclusion: Many people are fond of making resolutions during Christmas and New Years but seldom plan and implement them to get the desired result. Likewise, many people determined to go to heaven, but failed to plan and implement the ways to take them to heaven. Many people determined or aimed to get something, but never buys them with the right approach and right effort. Our resolutions and commitment to the Lord have to be checked and rechecked to get the desired result without which we will end up our resolutions and commitments without any significance. Anyway, I want to be the best of what I can be, trying to be the son, brother and friend I want to be, a well mannered, positive and inclusive in 2009.

Source: Khaiminthang


  1. New Year Resolution is to be followed or to be broken? If you can keep as per your resolutions, it will definitely lead you to the right path. Do you agree with this comments?
