Saturday, April 12, 2008

Reaching out to the poor and the needy : OMCRS

By Donn Morgan Kipgen

"Open your mouth for the speechless,
In the cause of all who are appointed to die.
Open your mouth, judge righteously,
And plead the rights of the poor and the needy."
—Proverbs 31:8-9.

Nestling proudly beneath cool shadow of the Langgol Hills range is a neatly built housing complex with a tell-tale signboard reading; "Outreach Missions Charitable and Religious Society (OMCRS)". Its mission's Motto being: "Reaching the unreached People Groups at any cost." The OMCRS is an interdenominational charitable non-profit Christian Missionary Society which runs school-cum-boarding houses for orphans and abandoned children, devotedly taught to follow the Righteous Paths in all walks of life. These 65 odd orphans are strictly trained academically and spiritually to become peer-educators, missionaries, officers and devoted socio-religious workers so as to help the poor, needy or orphans like them in the near future. No educated person forgets his/her benefactors nor ignores his/her own humble beginnings. All these orphan-students of all caste and creed (looked after free-of-cost with all available resources of the God blessed- OMCRS) are being lovingly moulded and imbibed upon this futuristic orphanage's primary goal; "Go and Make Disciples of all Nations," as echoed in Matthew 28:19. Yes, indeed, there are many orphanage or destitute homes run by various NGOs or sponsored by the Govt in all parts of the State without specific future objective nor sense of dedication and moral responsibility. Many orphans are as neglected as the poor and neglected children of God since they are looked after by monthly paid officers and staffs without any sincere sense of devoted purpose nor religious conscience. This is the main difference between spiritual-based institutions like the OMCRS and non-profit charitable public institutions run by the money-based NGOs projects. If only other NGOs and Govt sponsored charitable society could work with full purpose, honour and accountability like the OMCRS, then, all young "victims" of insurgency movements and other man-made or natural disasters in the NE India could surely fine divine solace and promising futures, rather than becoming drug addicts, alcoholic and anti-social elements.

Standing tall, with the grace of God, over other various profitable and non-profitable orphanage, this noble OMCRS was raised by Rev Dr S Lalpi Vaiphei and his dedicated wife, Mrs Sennu, with his devoted followers on 25th February, 1995, with just one Evangelist and 15 orphans and destitute children from all sections of our society at Nongpok Centre Village Registered under No. 312/91 (Charity). As of this period, there are 25 neglected children who are fully sponsored or supported with absolute care by 7 residential staffs and another 65 underprivileged children are given free education and specialised extra-curriculum activities. With more dedication to fulfil their aims and objectives to the fullest, though with very limited financial and man-power resources, the OMCRS workers have been planning to enlarge their "Charitable reach" by bringing in more orphans or underprivileged kids and increase the staff members, who are virtually volunteers. Moreover, they would be eying to open another branches in the insurgency-infested hill areas where the feeble hands of young abandoned kids are there to be reached and pull-out in the deep rivers of no-returns. These neglected survivors are bound to go towards the lure of easy money, intoxicants, profitable crimes, sophisticated weapons, immoral activities, etc.

All young victims of circumstances and that of CI Ops in Manipur are virtually left alone to decide their own futures without any educational and spiritual guidance even though lots of money and large sanctioning of resources have been regularly diverted or diabolically swindled without remorse. Many social workers have become very rich at the expense of the poor and uneducated villagers. However, God and Fate often punished these unholy manipulators with resounding price for their uncharitable misdeeds. With the blessing of religious leaders, all the anti-poverty NGOs need to build permanent institutional complex and openly extend assistance in kind and in cash in all their stipulated branch offices as officially sanctioned. They need to reach out and directly assist the poor and the needy even if they have to fill their personal bank account to show that they did spend some of the allotted money to good use. Building of orphanage, boarding schools, genuine HQ offices and regularly paid staffs, employment of the required number of workers, smaller branch office buildings, showing the good works being atleast done in appropriated manner, total dedication to the stipulated missions, etc., are the most important part of any non-profitable, or even profitable, spiritual-based missions. Like some other rare NGOs which fulfilled the basic demands of their noble causes, the OMCRS has done such things to reach out and bring together destitute or orphans from as many as 23 sub-tribes (i.e. having 23 dialect speaking underprivileged children) at its Ebenzer Home for the last seven years. This is remarkable, to say the least. And this is the very reason (as to) why the all- encompassing roles of the OMCRS deserves a proper highlight so as to encourage other new NGOs with charitable mission to follow suit, for the people, for the State, for the nation and for the world upto the Kingdom of God.

Who cares for the downtrodden and abandoned children of volatile State of Manipur? Many, in theory, but, unfortunately, very few in practice, far more few amongst charitable societies. Hence, the need for awareness in bringing up the poor but intelligent, mentally and physically strong children caught in the line of fire with nowhere to go. If the good citizens want a peaceful and prosperous future, the first window of opportunity is to somehow look after the plights of the homeless and underprivileged children by giving full moral and monetary support to such noble NGO or society like the OMCRS to guide them to the Righteous Path before it is too late by sincerely reaching out as far as possible. Better too late than never in the far flung areas as and when the divine clarion calls. It’s all about reaching for the highest goal we could and should. The pillars of the nation must be strong, polished, unyielding and standing proudly in all shapes and sizes. The multiple presence of bad or rotten apples in all tightly sealed containers needs to be avoided at all cost in all possible manners.

This is exactly where non-profitable and spiritually-motivated NGOs like OMCRS, in the lines of the Red Cross, Medicins Sans Frontiers (MSF), the Mother Teresa's Children Home, Centre for America's Relief Everywhere (CARE), etc. and other international Philanthropic organisations, have to play the highly voluntary lead roles at any given time period, irrespective of caste, creed and faith. The primary objective of the OMCRS is to love, care, educate and equip the suffering underprivileged and orphaned children by providing free-of-cost meal, lodging, education, health care and spiritual guidance. On his noble project, OMCRS, the Rev Dr L Vaiphei has this to say: "The beginning and the initial establishment was done out of nothing (i.e., no proper resources as required), but it was completed by the grace of God. Till today we are able to sustain it. It’s marvellous, (that the) God blessings fall upon destitute and suffering children to stay at the Ebenezer Home, like a home sweet home." As for the learned charitable citizens, help them to help others is the divine message to note down whole heartedly.

The Sangai Express

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