Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Life In The City - As Figured By A North Easterner

By : Zeena Zarina

‘North Easterner’ a term labeled on a people for their racial origin , appearance or geographical locale is now very commonly used, to refer to any one from the North Eastern part of our country. That part whose periphery fringes Myanmar and Bangladesh predominantly and probably a small part of China.

What makes a ‘North Easterner’ any different from the rest of the people from mainland India?

Lifestyle? Looks? Attitude? Tastes? Upbringing? It could in substance, boil down to a diverse distinctive culture.

Do these dissimilarities, these dissimilitude’s go against him when despite it all he steps out of his cocooned (which, doesn’t always spell ‘secure’) world into this vast cosmos?

Is it a sense of insecurity- or an immense culture shock that overwhelms him?

What in truth is it that draws him into the glaring lights of a Metropolis? Needless to say, as a moth to a flame, so a city, endowed with all its attributes and virtue of its potentiality and puissance attracts all such, who are otherwise deprived of the boot and benefits of a city in a small town or village.

More often than not, for most folk I would say, it is the opportunities that are a lure other than only the glitter and the glamour.

An Opportunity in building a career, and not just formal education, is what is pursued. After school, it’s college- what then? - It’s the city that is better equipped with answers to follow ones direction.

It’s in the city that the North Easterner finds varied openings for jobs where he can put to use his inert abilities, which may have otherwise lain dormant.

The city therefore, becomes the platform for him to come abreast with the rest of the world, to stand shoulder to shoulder devoid all differences .A chance to prove his worth despite challenges in the face of competition.

Does one, as a Northeasterner stand to gain or lose in these, his new surroundings – the City? With reference to career opportunities, my observation is that as many from the North east have undergone their education with English as a medium, there is a fair level of comfort in the use of English, which gives him an edge over many, especially in areas where English is more a necessity in communication – the hotel/ aviation industry, across-the -counter sales, Call centers and BPO’s to name a few areas.

A Northeasterner is akin to a Southeast Asian in physical appearance with the stereotypical image which generally includes having straight black hair, small or slanted eyelids with an epicanthal fold, brown/black eyes, yellow-tinged skin, and small stature, amongst other traits (for some, having an affinity for tedious workaholic jobs). This too together with his affinity in carrying out western clothes with a certain aplomb fits him into the bill of representing ethnicity in oriental outlets, a common feature in 5-star hotels.

This stereotypical look sets him apart from the rest of his Indian compatriots and hence his ethnicity is often mistaken.
These oriental features perhaps have or could be a boon in more ways than one.

I say perhaps, as the very same features could be as much a hindrance as it is a stepping stone in life outside his world.

For one who may not have had much of an exposure, lies the possibilityof usually being a little withdrawn and obviously not possessing nuances of being ‘street smart’ ( a skill much required in a city). This, plus a language barrier, at not being as conversant in the lingua franca, could create an inferiority complex, and be taken full advantage of by his worldly-wise and ruthless country cousin in the likes of a taxi/auto driver or even an over zealous salesman.

( As an observation, I must mention here that pride and ego or maybe an inhibition or rather the simple fact of a lack of verbosity or oral acumen in the language often stands in the way of getting himself a better deal and hence most ‘first-timers’ fall prey to many a business man’s ploy).

Looks, being one of the main marks of disparity which has set him apart, besides others, it has also often caused differences in attitude on the part of both sides . However, this is no justification for any feelings of isolation and discord rather a lesson to be taken ie. to accept and be able to pick more of the bouquets than the brickbats.

Courtesy: Newmai News Network.