Thursday, April 09, 2009

Human Rights and Terrorism

By Oinam Jitendra Singh

Human rights are those rights which belong to a man simply because he is a man. In fact, they are somewhat differently understood in different societies but they are pursued universally. These rights are guaranteed by majority of the countries to their citizens. The violation of these rights varies from one country to another and the level of violation in developing societies is much higher than the developed societies.

The violations have many causes and among that causes terrorism is the main one—both State and non-State.

Terrorism in its all forms has become a serious threat to human rights. After the second world war non-State terrorism emerged as the endangering and disturbing phenomenon at the global scene. It has become a serious threat to the security of the nations. States is necessary to protect the right of their inhabitants and it is the duty of the State to see that the people in the society enjoy these right freely. If the State does not perform such things, it is purposeless and meaningless. The three main and interlinked goals of human beings have been survival, sustenance and security. All such goals are under threat from both State and non State terrorism. Terrorism when it erupts, attacks the links which bind together the political, economic and military organism of the nation. It always poses obstacles to the economic development of the society and it also hampers the development process as such.

Terrorism always leads to the violation of human rights. It is full of violent activities and disregards the human rights of the people. Its brutality has increased in recent years. The incidents like kidnapping, rape, killings and assassinations is being the day-to-day life of terrorists affected areas of this world. Terrorism is always destructive to the right of man. It negates the democratic right and fundamental freedom of people. Terrorism is increasing day by day to its intensity because of the development of sophisticated military hardware and strategic technology.

Security is the most important concern of every individual. It is the duty of the State to provide it for its citizens. After the eruption of terrorism, it becomes really a problem for Government to safeguard the life of its citizens. Terrorist’s activities like assassination, killings, kidnappings, hostage takings etc affect the fundamental rights of the people. It not only harms to the body of the victims but also cause severe psychological distress. State terrorism is another form of violence which is also violation of rights and freedom of people. State commits acts of violence, not necessarily deliberately, violating of human rights in the process of defeating the terrorism. Security forces also performed violation activities of basic freedom and rights of people.

State makes many laws through its organs for the maintenance of law and order in the society. These laws help to the violation of basic human rights of its people. These organs of the State violate human rights during the suppression of violent movement but also they violate at peace time. They were created with the purpose of providing securities to people and maintaining law and order. Instead of giving them security they violate human rights of people in the name of maintenance of law and order in justification of suppressing terrorists.

Terrorism might be of any type, of any case, to the people which is of inhuman and violate the rights of victims. In most of the acts of terrorists, they did not think about the rights of other but claim only for themselves. In one sense they might be called “right eater” for their own demand right. They think their act of terror as their duties for earning their rights. They are in one someway, deprived and misguided people.

Terrorism and human rights can never go together on the same side. Until the term terrorism refers, this is always violation of human rights. The cause of terrorism may be of reasonable for the terrorist group themselves, acts of terrorists always remain as inhuman.


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