Firstly, I would like to highlight how this Silver Jubilee Celebration Committee was set up and some of its noteworthy activities. The preparation for this celebration has been started from the beginning of 2006. As the saying goes, slow & steady win the rest. Its preparation was steady but purposeful. With the purpose of discussing the coming Silver Jubilee Celebration, the first joint meeting of the fellowship was held on the 1st week of January, 2006 at Mr. Hauliankap’s Residence, Safdarjung Enclave. The meeting resolved that every department would contribute Rs. 20,000/- each before September end. a magazine Editorial Board was also set up comprising of 3 members initially. Viz. Dr. Grace Siasian as the Chief Editor, Mr. T. Zamlunmang Zou and Mr. Gin Cin Lam as a member. The committee also layout Rs. 4 Lakh budget for the celebration.
For the glory of God, i would like to mention some of the blessings that God has poured on us. Pu Dongzathang, Pu Thangzamuan and Pu Thangsianmang contributed Rs. 5000/- each; Dr. H. T. Sangliana, IPS (retd.) & MP, Lok Sabha - Rs. 1000/-; Pu Nehzamang Simte - Rs. 1000; Culcutta ZCF - Rs. 1500; Guwahati ZCF & EOC Delhi - Rs. 1000 each; Chin Baptist Assn., Lamka - Rs. 2000; EBCC, Delhi - 2500; Ladies Dept. ZCFDelhi - Rs. 20,000; Youth Dept. ZCF Delhi - Rs. 13,000; Mission Department, ZCFD - Rs. 5000/-; NTBC, Delhi - Rs. 3000/-; Rev. Langkhanthang - Rs. 5000; Rev. Dongzathawng - Rs. 2250/- and many more. Pu Biaklun Shoute solely contributed all the tea & coffee that was served on the celebration day.
As a Jubilee Souvenir, two Ahuja Speaker, 12 Channel Mixer and another two Ahuja Speker Stands were bought just before the historic event. “ZCFD, though small in number-it is big in heart” Being the Mother Church in Delhi among the Zomis, it always keep in touch with its children. A Jubilee Motivational Tour was conducted under the initiative of the Youth Dept., at every eimi fellowships in Delhi.
While the world was fast asleep:
To glorify God’s amazing instant response, I would like to share one out of my many experiences while typing & setting our souvenir. One night, it was 2:13 AM, while I was doing the settings with both my eyelids calling each other for a sweet goodnight kisses, a computer virus suddenly pops up, causing all the already arranged articles illegible. Everything was in zigzag form. All computer files were messed up. I was so helpless, don’t know what to do, just beholded for a while. Thinking of how much time, strength and money i have given, a drop of tears oozed out from my eyes, may be this is the second time that my tear appears on my eyes, with your permission - the first was when my brother T. Khamzahau left this world. I just wanted to break my Computer, wanted to tear-off all the books that were spreading beside me - but i heard a voice calling me to kneel down and pray, I lower my head and start praying: “God, please help me,clear this virus, save my computer from virus, please show me that you can do, please.. God please, In Jesus name, Amen”. Again I heard a voice saying, ‘restart your computer but don't touch any other document other than the souvenir file’. I did it, it works.. I was so happy, “kipaman in ka bieng ah luonhi luong”. Say, good night God and slept. Oh! i was already 04:00 AM.
Starting from the beginning of the Jubilee Year - 2007, the leaders were as busy as the bees. As per the allotment of the portfolio, each one of us performed our duties with full swing, calling and meeting was done almost at every hour. Jubilee Committee Meeting was held on every Sunday & Tuesday, mostly at Pa Gin Sian Lian’s Residence, Munirka. We are also so thankful to them. Progresses were report and a new task was given again to finish before the next meeting. Besides Office’s Official works, sparing our valuable time for Jubilee was what we can do. God help us and here we are today.
Silver Jubilee Day:
The morning sun of the Silver Jubilee Day shines from the far east of our inexpressible beautiful Zoland, it was unusual on that particular morning, the Jubilee smiling sun was attractive, It makes breathtakingly beautiful scenery
in the National Capital Region of Mother India.
Zomis, ZCF’s well wishers over the world stands in queue to pour their wishes, the Chairman, Secretary of the Celebration wished if they have more than 10 ears and a dozen of mobile on that day. Oh, what a beautiful day it was!! Since early morning, everyone was preparing with gaiety, it might be one of the greatest enthusiasm the Zomis ever had. Starting from 9 hours, a dozen of tourist buses ply on Delhi busy roads, gathering people from each and every nook of the corner. Though the program was about to start by 11 hours, the hall was already packed before the scheduled time. Late comers, outside the hall, watching a giant monitor displaying whats was being done inside the hall.
When the clock structs 11 hours, some of the great leaders start beating the Jubilee Gong 25 times Traditionally. The antique sound of it awakes the heart of the city, people from around the Church rushed in to witness what was being done inside the Church. That was accompanied by joys of exclamations and shoutings. In the midst of its echoes, Rev. Patrick Motilal, the In charge of Free Church delivered his address, and again there was pin drop silence. A homage was paid to the dear departed souls, It was followed by Choirs from different Churches/Fellowships. A One Time Outstanding (L) Rev. Khup Za Go Memorial Award was given to Rev. Dino L Touthang. A memento of appreciation was also give to all the previous leaders and to some ZCF dignitaries. After the program was over, there was a great dinner party. And the Jubilee celebration was concluded by late afternoon.
T. Zamlunmang Zou
Secretary, SJCC
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