Thursday, March 12, 2009

Delhi Lutheran Church inauguration report

Delhi Lutheran Church, Diaspora of Manipur Evangelical Lutheran Church was established on March 1, 2009 at MP’s Club, North Avenue, New Delhi by the Rt. Rev. Dr. T. Ginkhanmung Zou, Bishop of MELC.

The vision for DLC:

The Manipur Evangelical Lutheran Church, since the last decade have a vision of establishing its diaspora denomination in every metropolitan cities all over India.

So far, Shillong Lutheran Church and Delhi Lutheran Church has been established with a millions of prayer. If God’s willing, we have a vision that our diaspora denomination will extend further.

Delhi Lutheran Church Inauguration report:

After a well consultation with our people residing in Delhi and NCR, The Working Committee Meeting of the Manipur Evangelical Lutheran Church on Fwbruary 11, 2009 resolved to established its diaspora congregation in Delhi. As per the Order dated 26.02.2009 issued by Rev. SK Manlun, Director of Ministry, MELC under Letter Referenc No. 7/MELC/WC/2006 the following leaders were flown to Delhi on February 27, 2009. viz:

1. Rt. Rev. Dr. T. Ginkhanmung Zou, Bishop MELC
2. Upa P. Chinzahao, Dy. Moderator, MELC
3. Mr. G. L. Tungnung, Account Officer, MELC
4. Mother Nuamzavung, Chairperson, ELWA
5. Pastor T. Kamsuonlal

DLC Inauguration

The inauguration program was presided by Pu GL Tungnung and the program was dedicated to God by Mother Nuamzavung in prayer. In the midst of excitement and enthusiasm, MELC Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. T. Ginkhanmung Zou declared DLC was established today for the glory of our Almighty God and for the extension of His Kingdom. Right after the declaration of DLC, Pastor T. Kamsuanlal was inducted to be the Pastor of Delhi Lutheran Church by the Bishop. It was folllowed by a message from the Bishop and the program was blessed with benediction by the newly inducted Pastor T. Kamsuanlal.

Mention may be made here that the inauguration function was attended by 87 members. A Grant Feast follow suit.




* Chiarman : Mr. T. Zamlunmang Zou
* Vice Chairman : Mr. Ginsanglien Samte
* Secretary : Mr. T. Paulienthang
* Joint Secretary : Mr. Bruce K. Thangkhal
* Finance cum Treasurer : Mr. T. Khuplianlam

* Executive Members: Mr. M. Lienminlun & Mr. Hauzalien
* Ex-Officio Member: Pastor T. Kamsuonlal
* Youth Secy : Mr. Ricard Suonminthang & Miss Pricila Hoipi
* Women Wing Secy: Miss Lhingzahat & Miss Naomi Haumuonching
* Mission Secy: Mr. Khamminthang
* Project Secy: Dr. David Vumlallian & Mr. Christopher Thongminthang
* Statistic Secy: Mr. Hautungnungpau Samte @ Papau Samte
* Inf.&Pub. Secy: Mr. Douminlian & Mr. Benjamin Letminlien
* Music Secy: Mr. Ginmuonlal & Mr. Lamlunlal

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1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, the ZPC would not come up with these kind of ideas and photos in my lifetime. Amen.
