KI North Delhi, UEF and North Delhi EGF (UESI)Invite you to a Half Day Reflection On Christians in Society Towards a Theology of Governance and Christian Scholarship.
In India even in states which have sizeable Christian presence in both the civil society and the government, the civil administration is no better.
Simply put, it is corrupt and discerning eyes may well point out an unholy nexus between the Church, bureaucrats, legislators, government ministers and other doyens of social respectability. A cynic may well ask of Christians what kind of God cares more about the statistical count of souls reaching heaven while the body rots on Earth. Is the God of the Bible indifferent about injustice, nepotism, exploitation, ethnic chauvinism and mis-governance in the world He brought into existence? How are Christians supposed to be salt and light in their Father’s world which has become both corrupt and violent? What would a Christian Theology of Public Administration look like?
In a multiethnic, multicultural country like ours, each community possesses certain legitimate rights but in a fallen world one man or one community’s rights degenerates into “the other’s” bane or injury. Revisioning history to project only one’s own community perspective or self-understanding in order to hold captive the masses has become the norm. Jesus commanded his followers to love their neighbor… Sadly the definition of neighbor has been redefined subconsciously (?) to implicitly exclude others who are not from our tribe/caste/race/religion. One risks excommunication in presenting views outside the narrowly defined community’s version of truth, whether historical, sociological or political. In a world where Truth has become a victim to Ideologies of all sorts, what would the outrageous idea of Christian Scholarship look like?
Christians claim to worship a God who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and who is the Light of the world. This radical claim invites radical followers who are to be agents of transformation and whose lives are to be pointers towards the promised Eschatological Shalom of a New Heaven and a New Earth. Come, listen and reflect what the call to Christian discipleship entails.
Session 1: Christian Framework for a Just Society and a Just Government (Rev. CB Samuel)
Session 2: Why I resigned from the IAS? (Rev. Lalchungliana)
Session 3: The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship (Rev. CB Samuel)
Each session will be followed by a short Q&A.
Date: Saturday, 14th March
Time: 1 pm to 5PM
Venue: 2099, UEF Center, Outram Lines, North Campus Area, Delhi
Ph: Dr. Kevisetuo 9811135780
Lunmang 9990644587
Noel 9999776812
Pastor Rocky 9971128445
Brief Biographical Profiles
Rev. CB Samuel:
C.B. Samuel is presently serving as the Chairman of Prabhav, a network of evangelical agencies involved in social concern. Samuel was for 15 years the Director of the Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief (EFICOR), and has recently been appointed the Chair of the All-India Forum on Evangelical Social Action.
Samuel received his Bachelor of Divinity from the Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India and since 1983 he has been involved in developing a Biblically-based community training module for North India and in shaping an evangelical response to contemporary social issues in Asia by teaching discipleship in the context of wholistic mission. Over the past 25 years Samuel has been a tremendous teacher and encourager to many Christian organizations around the world. He is a teacher of great authority concerning Christian commitment to the poor, with much experience and dedication in relief and development programs throughout India.
C.B. now focuses his attention on training Christian leaders in development and reflective thinking in an Indian context. He also lectures with the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, and exercises an important pastoral ministry, particularly with university students. He is married to Selina, has three children, and lives in New Delhi.
Rev. Lachuangliana:
Lalchuangliana was an IAS officer before he joined the Emmanuel Hospital Association in 1973. He worked as the Executive Secretary of EHA for 23 years and is now heading CONCERN - a facilitating ministry for church planting in North India. Sangi is a homemaker and is actively involved in the ministry of her husband. They are blessed with four children and four grandchildren.
The North Delhi EGF (UESI)
Invites You
A Short Course on Mission With
Rev. Dr. Valson Thampu
At St. Stephens College Chapel,
4:30 pm
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday
Starting April
Rev. Dr. Valson Thampu is no armchair theorist but a public theologian at the very forefront of advancing Christ’s Kingdom and His values in India. Currently he serves the Lord as Head of the premier St. Stephens College, Delhi. He was also formerly with the National Minorities Commission (Govt. of India) as a member and was Chairman of Christian Medical College, Vellore. Indeed he is one who has recently undergone a test by fire as he weathered the venom of all those to whom the upliftment of the downtrodden constitutes nothing but a loss of opportunity.
Mission flows from the very heart of God. So no Christian can dare say he/she has no time for Mission! Though this crux is well recognized, many Christians are handicapped by an inadequate or a narrow understanding of what the Missio Dei or the Mission of God is all about. It’s a rare privilege and opportunity for anybody who is seriously interested in knowing about Christian Mission to learn from a faithful servant who’d gone before us. The course will be based on his book “Rediscovering Mission: Towards a Non-Western Missiological Paradigm”, which itself was voted as among the top 5 book on Mission.
Do not miss this rare opportunity. Even for those who know or who’ve already undergone missionary/theological training this may well be a time of retreat and contemplation for future action.
Dr. Kevisetuo 9811135780
Jeremiah Duomai 9810572550
Lunmang Vaiphei 9990644587
The North Delhi EGF, a part of Union of Evangelical Students of India (UESI) is not a church nor does it seek to duplicate the chapel service. It is a group of graduates who critically engages with Issues, Bible Studies etc normally not dealt upon in the Sunday Pulpit.
.::. All my articles can be view here: MELTED HEARTS .::.
In India even in states which have sizeable Christian presence in both the civil society and the government, the civil administration is no better.
Simply put, it is corrupt and discerning eyes may well point out an unholy nexus between the Church, bureaucrats, legislators, government ministers and other doyens of social respectability. A cynic may well ask of Christians what kind of God cares more about the statistical count of souls reaching heaven while the body rots on Earth. Is the God of the Bible indifferent about injustice, nepotism, exploitation, ethnic chauvinism and mis-governance in the world He brought into existence? How are Christians supposed to be salt and light in their Father’s world which has become both corrupt and violent? What would a Christian Theology of Public Administration look like?
In a multiethnic, multicultural country like ours, each community possesses certain legitimate rights but in a fallen world one man or one community’s rights degenerates into “the other’s” bane or injury. Revisioning history to project only one’s own community perspective or self-understanding in order to hold captive the masses has become the norm. Jesus commanded his followers to love their neighbor… Sadly the definition of neighbor has been redefined subconsciously (?) to implicitly exclude others who are not from our tribe/caste/race/religion. One risks excommunication in presenting views outside the narrowly defined community’s version of truth, whether historical, sociological or political. In a world where Truth has become a victim to Ideologies of all sorts, what would the outrageous idea of Christian Scholarship look like?
Christians claim to worship a God who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and who is the Light of the world. This radical claim invites radical followers who are to be agents of transformation and whose lives are to be pointers towards the promised Eschatological Shalom of a New Heaven and a New Earth. Come, listen and reflect what the call to Christian discipleship entails.
Session 1: Christian Framework for a Just Society and a Just Government (Rev. CB Samuel)
Session 2: Why I resigned from the IAS? (Rev. Lalchungliana)
Session 3: The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship (Rev. CB Samuel)
Each session will be followed by a short Q&A.
Date: Saturday, 14th March
Time: 1 pm to 5PM
Venue: 2099, UEF Center, Outram Lines, North Campus Area, Delhi
Ph: Dr. Kevisetuo 9811135780
Lunmang 9990644587
Noel 9999776812
Pastor Rocky 9971128445
Brief Biographical Profiles
Rev. CB Samuel:
C.B. Samuel is presently serving as the Chairman of Prabhav, a network of evangelical agencies involved in social concern. Samuel was for 15 years the Director of the Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief (EFICOR), and has recently been appointed the Chair of the All-India Forum on Evangelical Social Action.
Samuel received his Bachelor of Divinity from the Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India and since 1983 he has been involved in developing a Biblically-based community training module for North India and in shaping an evangelical response to contemporary social issues in Asia by teaching discipleship in the context of wholistic mission. Over the past 25 years Samuel has been a tremendous teacher and encourager to many Christian organizations around the world. He is a teacher of great authority concerning Christian commitment to the poor, with much experience and dedication in relief and development programs throughout India.
C.B. now focuses his attention on training Christian leaders in development and reflective thinking in an Indian context. He also lectures with the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, and exercises an important pastoral ministry, particularly with university students. He is married to Selina, has three children, and lives in New Delhi.
Rev. Lachuangliana:
Lalchuangliana was an IAS officer before he joined the Emmanuel Hospital Association in 1973. He worked as the Executive Secretary of EHA for 23 years and is now heading CONCERN - a facilitating ministry for church planting in North India. Sangi is a homemaker and is actively involved in the ministry of her husband. They are blessed with four children and four grandchildren.
The North Delhi EGF (UESI)
Invites You
A Short Course on Mission With
Rev. Dr. Valson Thampu
At St. Stephens College Chapel,
4:30 pm
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday
Starting April
Rev. Dr. Valson Thampu is no armchair theorist but a public theologian at the very forefront of advancing Christ’s Kingdom and His values in India. Currently he serves the Lord as Head of the premier St. Stephens College, Delhi. He was also formerly with the National Minorities Commission (Govt. of India) as a member and was Chairman of Christian Medical College, Vellore. Indeed he is one who has recently undergone a test by fire as he weathered the venom of all those to whom the upliftment of the downtrodden constitutes nothing but a loss of opportunity.
Mission flows from the very heart of God. So no Christian can dare say he/she has no time for Mission! Though this crux is well recognized, many Christians are handicapped by an inadequate or a narrow understanding of what the Missio Dei or the Mission of God is all about. It’s a rare privilege and opportunity for anybody who is seriously interested in knowing about Christian Mission to learn from a faithful servant who’d gone before us. The course will be based on his book “Rediscovering Mission: Towards a Non-Western Missiological Paradigm”, which itself was voted as among the top 5 book on Mission.
Do not miss this rare opportunity. Even for those who know or who’ve already undergone missionary/theological training this may well be a time of retreat and contemplation for future action.
Dr. Kevisetuo 9811135780
Jeremiah Duomai 9810572550
Lunmang Vaiphei 9990644587
The North Delhi EGF, a part of Union of Evangelical Students of India (UESI) is not a church nor does it seek to duplicate the chapel service. It is a group of graduates who critically engages with Issues, Bible Studies etc normally not dealt upon in the Sunday Pulpit.
.::. All my articles can be view here: MELTED HEARTS .::.
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